About me
Hello there! I'm Raghav Sachdev, a budding web developer based in Delhi, India. With proficiency in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and Node.js, I'm passionate about crafting engaging web experiences. Dive into my portfolio to see my latest projects and explore my journey in web development.
I am a dedicated student passionate about web development, currently honing my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React.js, and Node.js. Through coursework and personal projects, I am gaining hands-on experience in creating dynamic and responsive web applications. I am eager to learn and contribute to the field, exploring new technologies and best practices in web development.
What i'm doing
Digital Marketing
The Professionally Thought Growing Strategy For Your Website.
Web development
High-quality development of sites at the professional level.
Mobile apps
Professional development of applications for iOS and Android.
Console Management
Professional Level Google Play Store and Apple App Store Management.